News & Events
Kian Bigovic Villi starts his PhD at IMSB
Kian started his PhD in early January 2025, supervised by Julian Trouillon and Uwe Sauer. He will be working on the effects of post-translational modifications on transcription factor activity. Welcome back Kian, and all the best!
Ruedi Aebersold was honoured with the HUPO Pinnacle Lifetime Fellowship
Congratulations Ruedi!
EUPA Juan-Pablo Albar (JPA) Proteome Pioneer Award for Pedro Beltrao

Pedro received this award for his leading and long-standing involvement in promoting the principles of sharing and integrating resources for the development of excellent research in the Proteomics field.
SNF Ambizione Grant for Julian Trouillon

Julian obtained a competitive Ambizione grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation that will enable him to start his own lab on transcriptional regulation at IMSB for the next 4 years. Congrats Julian!
Pedro Beltrao has been elected as EMBO Member

EMBO is an organization of leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life sciences in Europe and beyond. It announced the election of 120 researchers, one of which is Pedro. Through this lifelong honour, EMBO Members and Associated Members are recognized for their outstanding achievements in the life sciences.
Master/Semester computational project: Predicting transcription factors input signals using network analysis
In this project, we aim at inferring input signals affecting transcription factors activity using computational analysis of regulatory and metabolic networks.
Ruedi Aebersold and Matthias Mann receive the Dr H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics 2024

Ruedi Aebersold, the founder of IMSB, was awarded the prestigious Dr. H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics. He receives it together with Matthias Mann (MPI Munich) "... because they pioneered the field of proteomics and revolutionized the way in which scientists study proteins today".
Mass Spectrometry in the Life Sciences Award 2024 to Nicola Zamboni

The prize by the German Society of Mass Spectrometry (DGMS) honors outstanding method developments in and applications of mass spectrometry in the life sciences.
Sauer Zamboni group achieves LEAF sustainability certification!

The group was one of 19 labs across ETH Zurich to be certified in the LEAF pilot project.
Congratulations to Stephan Durot for passing his PhD defense
Stephan's thesis pivots on the integrated analysis of endothelial cells from different vascular beds.
Adriano Rutz wins the Gold Trophy of the National ORD Prize 2023! Well done!

The prize is awarded by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences in recognition of innovative and impactful practices in the field of Open Research Data (ORD).
We welcome Jonas Runde as a new PhD student in the lab!
Jonas started his PhD in the group in December, working on protein phosphorylation and post-translational modifications in E. coli. Welcome back Jonas, and viel Erfolg!
Tomek Diederen defends his PhD Thesis
We congratulate Tomek for successfully defending his thesis on "Simulation-based metabolic flux inference" which, by his own words, all boils down to clouds vs. points. Well done!
Nicola Zamboni receives Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching

The winner is selected by the ETH Student association to honor a individual that stands out for promoting excellence in teaching. Congratulations!
Adriano and Vince won a Poster Prizes at the annual Meeting of the Swiss Metabolomics Society
Congratulations! PS: No, Nicola wasn't involved in the selection :-)
12 new MSc students join systems biology major

We are glad to welcome new students with the beginning of the Academic Year. Good luck!
The Swiss Chemical Society honors Uwe Sauer with Simon-Widmer Award

The SCS Simon-Widmer Award honors distinguished scientists for their contribution to fundamental and applied analytical science and the education of analytical scientists.
We welcome Vilhelmiina Haavisto as a PhD student in the Sauer lab!
Vilhelmiina starts in January to work on microbial interactions in seawater communities. Good luck Vilhelmiina!
Best poster award to Daniela Ledezma!

Daniela won the best poster award at the "EMBO:Multiomics to Mechanisms symposium." Congratulations Daniela!