Beltrao Group
Cellular consequences of genetic variation
Research Focus
Our lab focuses on cellular consequences of genetic variation
Discovering how genetic variation leads to changes in traits underlies the study of human disease and the understanding of the evolutionary process. What makes each human individual different and the diversity of life on earth are, to some extent, determined by differences in DNA. How these DNA differences manifest in a variety of shapes, capabilities and even different propensity to disease remains a mystery. Our long term goal is to have comprehensive models of how DNA changes result in differences in biomolecules, their interactions and ultimately different traits or disease.

Projects for Master Students
We offer MSc projects related to our two main research interests (genotype-to-phenotype mapping and kinase signalling studies). Around 2/3 of the group's work is purely computational and most of the MSc projects that are available are therefore computational and require some past experience in programming. The wet lab related projects involve work mostly in S. cerevisiae as a model system. .
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