Metabotypes of breast cancer cell lines revealed by non-targeted metabolomics

A metabolome and network centric analysis of 18 breast cancer cell lines reveals a fine-grained metabolic heterogeneity. The study will appear in a special issue of Metabolic Engineering devoted to cancer metabolism. We thank the team of our collaborator Prof. Almut Schulze (Würzburg).
Nontargeted in vitro metabolomics for high-throughput identification of novel enzymes in Escherichia coli

About 15'000 high-throughput, non-targeted metabolomics analyses were acquired to study >1'200 functionally uncharacterized proteins. The study was just published by Daniel Sévin and co. in Nature Methods.
Sauer group: Interplay of posttranslational modification sites in enzyme activity regulation (Master project)
Research project available on investigating the interplay and protein activity fine-tuning of different posttranslational modifications (PTM) sites
Visit of Emily LeProust at ETH

The Christen lab is proud to host Emily LeProust, CEO of Twist Biosciences during her visit at ETH.
Sauer group: Metabolomics and Flux Balance Analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Semester/Master Project)
Research project available on investigating the regulation of metabolism in S. cerevisiae, via enzyme phosphorylation
Epigenetic stress responses induce muscle stem-cell ageing by Hoxa9 developmental signals
Histone modification profiling in rare stem cell populations: our collaborative work on the epigenetics in muscle stem cell aging got published in Nature!
Anna's paper accepted in PLOS Computational Biology.

Sparse Regression Based Structure Learning of Stochastic Reaction Networks from Single Cell Snapshot Time Series
Justins' paper came out in Cell Systems

Analysis of Cell Lineage Trees by Exact Bayesian Inference Identifies Negative Autoregulation of Nanog in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Future Day at ETH

The Christen Group hosted a group of 15 children during the ETH future day.
Welcome Mariëlle Van Kooten
Mariëlle joined the Christen lab for her PhD.
Mcs and semester students join the ChristenLab
We welcome Donat Appert and Alexander Wölfle, who started their master and semester projects in the ChristenLab.
Arginine Modulates T Cell Metabolism and Enhances Survival and Anti-tumor Activity

We are proud to announce that our joint study with prestigious colleagues of IRB Bellinzona, ETH Zurich, MPI Martinsried finally published in Cell: from omics to mechanism and anti-tumor effect in mice!
Welcome Fabian Wendt
Fabian studied Biochemistry at the Ruhr-University in Bochum, Germany. He started recently as PhD student in the Wollscheid Group and will drive the development of the ligand-receptor capture (LRC) technology towards new application spaces and the characterization of dynamic protein-protein interactions.
SUMOFLUX paper published!
We congratulate Maria for publishing her novel method for targeted 13C flux ratio analysis.
Welcome to Valentina and Thomas
Welcome (back) to Valentina Cappelletti and Thomas Hauser. They will start their post-doc projects in our lab from today onwards. Good luck!
Zamboni group, Metabolomics & network analysis
Research project available on investigating metabolic response to mitochndrial defects in yeast
Lund University awards honorary doctorate to Prof. Ruedi Aebersold

Great honour for Prof. Ruedi Aebersold: The Faculty of Medicine of the Lund University has awarded the honorary doctorate to him.
Annie Champagne Queloz defended her PhD Thesis
The subject of her work was: " Biological thinking: insights into the misconceptions in biology maintained by Gymnasium students and undergraduates” Congrats Annie!
Welcome Lili!
We welcome Lili Malinovska who will join our lab as a Post-doc. All the best for your project!
Uwe Sauer newly elected EMBO Member
