Metabotypes of breast cancer cell lines revealed by non-targeted metabolomics

Nontargeted in vitro metabolomics for high-throughput identification of novel enzymes in Escherichia coli

Sauer group: Interplay of posttranslational modification sites in enzyme activity regulation (Master project)

Visit of Emily LeProust at ETH

Sauer group: Metabolomics and Flux Balance Analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Semester/Master Project)

Epigenetic stress responses induce muscle stem-cell ageing by Hoxa9 developmental signals

Anna's paper accepted in PLOS Computational Biology.

Justins' paper came out in Cell Systems

Future Day at ETH

Welcome Mariëlle Van Kooten

Mcs and semester students join the ChristenLab

Arginine Modulates T Cell Metabolism and Enhances Survival and Anti-tumor Activity

Welcome Fabian Wendt

SUMOFLUX paper published!

Welcome to Valentina and Thomas

Zamboni group, Metabolomics & network analysis

Lund University awards honorary doctorate to Prof. Ruedi Aebersold

Annie Champagne Queloz defended her PhD Thesis

Welcome Lili!

Uwe Sauer newly elected EMBO Member

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