(p)ppGpp Regulates a Bacterial Nucleosidase by an Allosteric Two-Domain Switch
In a joint collaboration, researchers from Denmark and Sauer Group at IMSB have shown that bacteria produce a specific stress molecule, divide more slowly, and thus save energy when they are exposed to antibiotics. The new knowledge is expected to form the basis for development of a new type of antibiotics.
De novo Classification of Mouse B Cell Types using Surfaceome Proteotype Maps
Interested in a new way of classifying B Cell types then have a look at a recently paper from our lab which is now on BioRxiv.
First Computer-Generated Genome published in PNAS
Our work on the chemical-synthesis rewriting of a bacterial genome was published in PNAS. Congratulation to everyone involved on this achievement. Check out the genome sequence of Caulobacter ethensis 2.0, which we have physically manufactured with the help of digital genome design algorithms.