Regulatory mechanisms coordinating amino acid and glucose catabolism in E. coli
Microbes need to coordinate utilization of nutrients but the triggering signals remain unclear. A recent "Nat Comm" paper by the Zampieri & Sauer groups (IMSB) developed a computational approach to identify the intracellular signals that prioritize amino acid over glucose degradation from dynamic exo-metabolome data.
Master/semester project - Prediction and characterization of unknown membrane protein function
In this project, we will systematically characterize the function of unknown membrane proteins and their role in the cell's response to environmental conditions.
Beat Christen speaks at the World Economics Forum on Digital Genome Design Algorithms
Beat Christen discussed how computer algorithms are used to encoding new abilities into artificial DNA and the convergence between the digital and biological worlds at the WEF in Dalian. Check out the presentation on Youtube.
ETH spin-off Gigabases Switzerland AG founded
Gigabases Switzerland AG develops genome design algorithms to breed novel pathways and organisms that replace chemistry with sustainable biological processes