Full list of publications on external page Pubmed
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Selected publications:
- Caron, E., Roncagalli, R., Hase, T., Wolski, W.E., Choi, M., Menoita, M.G., Durand, S., Garcia-Blesa, A., Fierro-Monti, I., Sajic, T., Heusel, M., Weiss, T., Malissen, M., Schlapbach, R., Collins, B.C., Ghosh, S., Kitano, H., Aebersold, R., Malissen, B.*, and Gstaiger, M.* (2017). Precise Temporal Profiling of Signaling Complexes in Primary Cells Using SWATH Mass Spectrometry. external page Cell reports 18, 3219-3226
- Hauri, S., Comoglio, F., Seimiya, M., Gerstung, M., Glatter, T., Hansen, K., Aebersold, R., Paro, R., Gstaiger, M.*, and Beisel, C*. (2016). A High-Density Map for Navigating the Human Polycomb Complexome. external page Cell reports 17, 583-595.
- Roncagalli, R., Hauri, S., Fiore, F., Liang, Y., Chen, Z., Sansoni, A., Kanduri, K., Joly, R., Malzac, A., Lahdesmaki, H., Lahesmaa, R., Yamasaki, S., Saito, T., Malissen, M., Aebersold, R., Gstaiger, M.*, and Malissen, B.* (2014). Quantitative proteomics analysis of signalosome dynamics in primary T cells identifies the surface receptor CD6 as a Lat adaptor-independent TCR signaling hub. external page Nature immunology 15, 384-392.
- Varjosalo, M., Sacco, R., Stukalov, A., van Drogen, A., Planyavsky, M., Hauri, S., Aebersold, R., Bennett, K.L., Colinge, J., Gstaiger, M.*, and Superti-Furga, G.* (2013a). Interlaboratory reproducibility of large-scale human protein-complex analysis by standardized AP-MS. external page Nat Methods 10, 307-314.
- Varjosalo, M., Keskitalo, S., Van Drogen, A., Nurkkala, H., Vichalkovski, A., Aebersold, R., and Gstaiger, M. (2013). The protein interaction landscape of the human CMGC kinase group. external page Cell reports 3, 1306-1320.
- Hauri, S., Wepf, A., van Drogen, A., Varjosalo, M., Tapon, N., Aebersold, R., and Gstaiger, M. (2013). Interaction proteome of human Hippo signaling: modular control of the co-activator YAP1. external page Mol Syst Biol 9, 713.
- Glatter, T., Schittenhelm, R.B., Rinner, O., Roguska, K., Wepf, A., Junger, M.A., Kohler, K., Jevtov, I., Choi, H., Schmidt, A., Nesvizhskii, A.I., Stocker, H., Hafen, E., Aebersold, R., and Gstaiger, M. (2011). Modularity and hormone sensitivity of the Drosophila melanogaster insulin receptor/target of rapamycin interaction proteome. external page Mol Syst Biol 7, 547.
- Ribeiro, P.S., Josue, F., Wepf, A., Wehr, M.C., Rinner, O., Kelly, G., Tapon, N.*, and Gstaiger, M.* (2010). Combined functional genomic and proteomic approaches identify a PP2A complex as a negative regulator of Hippo signaling. external page Mol Cell 39, 521-534.
- Wepf, A., Glatter, T., Schmidt, A., Aebersold, R., and Gstaiger, M. (2009). Quantitative interaction proteomics using mass spectrometry. external page Nat Methods 6, 203-205.
- Gstaiger, M., and Aebersold, R. (2009). Applying mass spectrometry-based proteomics to genetics, genomics and network biology. external page Nat Rev Genet 10, 617-627.
- Glatter, T., Wepf, A., Aebersold, R., and Gstaiger, M. (2009). An integrated workflow for charting the human interaction proteome: insights into the PP2A system. external page Mol Syst Biol 5, 237.
- Rinner, O., Mueller, L.N., Hubalek, M., Muller, M., Gstaiger, M., and Aebersold, R. (2007). An integrated mass spectrometric and computational framework for the analysis of protein interaction networks. external page Nat Biotechnol 25, 345-352.
- Gingras, A.C., Gstaiger, M., Raught, B., and Aebersold, R. (2007). Analysis of protein complexes using mass spectrometry. external page Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 8, 645-654.
- Gstaiger, M., Luke, B., Hess, D., Oakeley, E.J., Wirbelauer, C., Blondel, M., Vigneron, M., Peter, M., and Krek, W. (2003). Control of nutrient-sensitive transcription programs by the unconventional prefoldin URI. external page Science 302, 1208-1212.
- Gstaiger, M., Jordan, R., Lim, M., Catzavelos, C., Mestan, J., Slingerland, J., and Krek, W. (2001). Skp2 is oncogenic and overexpressed in human cancers. external page Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98, 5043-5048.
- Gstaiger, M., Georgiev, O., van Leeuwen, H., van der Vliet, P., and Schaffner, W. (1996). The B cell coactivator Bob1 shows DNA sequence-dependent complex formation with Oct-1/Oct-2 factors, leading to differential promoter activation. external page Embo J 15, 2781-2790.
- Gstaiger, M., Knoepfel, L., Georgiev, O., Schaffner, W., and Hovens, C.M. (1995). A B-cell coactivator of octamer-binding transcription factors. external page Nature 373, 360-362.
*) co-corresponding author