The analysis of primary metabolites (e.g. organic acids, amino acids, nucleotides, energy and redox cofactors) and xenobiotics is done by untargeted metabolomics, which allows to detect thousands of features in parallel, including unexpected compounds. We offer two standard configurations:
1) Untargeted metabolomics by LC-MSn
This approach includes a chromatographic separation that allows to discriminate between compounds with similar mass and reduce the interferences in complex samples. Specificially, we use a custom quaternary gradient that wss optimized to separate metabolites of all classes and chemical properties (up to logP <8). A sequence includes acquisition of MS2 data for structural confirmation, library matching, etc. This is the recommended approach for clinical or complex samples, and for all studies with < 10,000 samples.
Metabolite identification of LC-MSn data is supported by an internal library with retention times and MS2 spectra for ~ 4000 compounds, including FDA approved drugs. In addition, we use MS2 matching against a library of ~ 1 Mio compounds. In blood extracts, we typically obtain high-confidence MS2-confirmed annotation for ~1000 features. Not in all cases, however, we can uniquely identify the isomer.
2) Untargeted metabolomics by flow injection (FIA)-MS
In flow injection analyses, the chromatographic separation is omitted. Thereby, much higher throughputs can be achieved at the cost of distinguishing compounds with the same molecular formula. This method is a unique speciality of our lab. The method was originally developed in 2011 and continuously improved with hardware and software ameliorations to maximize sensitivity and robustness. Over more than a decade we analyze ca. 1.5 Mio samples and published external page > 100 papers. The largest study performed was with ca. 75'000 samples. This is the recommended approach for the analysis of cellular extracts (i.e. primary metabolism) or supernatants.
Metabolite identification in FIA-MS is based on accurate mass and partly isotopic peaks. This is enough to assign chemical formulas to the majortiy of features, but not to resolve isomers.
- The FIA method is about 75% cheaper than the LC-MSn method.
- All readouts are semi-quantitative, i.e. provide relative changes of each detectable compound across the study. On demand and for limited compounds, approximative amounts (concentrations) can be approximated by spiking isotopically labeled (2H or 13C) standards.
- Both methods can be run in either negative or positive mode. Normally, we recommend to use negative mode only in the analysis of most sample types. Analysis in positive mode is only recommended for the analysis of low abundance polyamines.
Sample types
- Biofluids: serum, plasma, urine, CSF, saliva
- Requirements: 25 microL needed, 100 microL preferred
- Sample preparation: done by us
- Examples: external page DOI: 10.2337/db19-0131
- Example coverage: Download Plasma (ZIP, 1.6 MB)
- Solid samples: biopsies, fecal samples
- Requirements: 1 mg needed, 50 mg preferred
- Sample preparation: to be discussed
- Examples: external page DOI: 10.1126/science.aad0189 external page DOI: 10.1186/s12864-017-3547-3
- Example coverage: Download Muscle biopsy (ZIP, 1.4 MB)
- In vitro cell cultures, spheroids, organoids
- Requirements: 100'000 cells ok, more is advantageous for rare compounds
- Sample preparation: to be discussed
- Examples: external page DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.09.031 external page DOI: 10.1016/j.ymben.2016.12.009 external page DOI: 10.1111/febs.14852 external page DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2015.06.017
- Example coverage: Download Cancer cell line (ZIP, 1.1 MB)
- Medium
- Requirements: 10 microL needed, 25 microL preferred)
- Sample preparation: done by us
- Dried blood spots