Paola in "The Author File" in Nature Methods
Paola was interviewed by Nature Methods on the occasion of the publication of the sentinel paper and appears in The Author File.

"She reminds him [Yves Barral] a little of the Mona Lisa, with a smile and manner that mixes straightforwardness, elaboration, attentiveness and happiness with a slight element of irony."
Cells brim with activity that a special set of protein assays can help track.
Sometimes the road forks: scientists turn onto either Proteomics Highway or Molecular Biology Lane. Paola Picotti, a biochemist at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, has built a road that connects the molecular biology and proteomics communities. “It makes them finally speak the same language,” she says. She uses mass spectrometry—the proteomics workhorse—to analyze 'sentinel' proteins in a sample. These sentinels deliver a snapshot of yeast cell physiology, which is modulated by around 4,000 proteins at any given moment.