Dr. Martin Mehnert was selected for an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship

EMBO fellowship for Ilaria
Congratulations to Ilaria who won a EMBO long-term fellowship!
Zamboni Lab, 13C metabolic flux analysis in Mycobacteria
Apply a novel framework for 13C flux analysis to co-metabolism of mycobacteria
Opportunities and Challenges of Citizen Science Workshop (January 22-23 2015)

This workshop aims at providing an overview of the present state of citizen science, an outlook into the potential of citizen science in the future and the discussion of the opportunities and challenges associated with the re-emergence of this discipline for scientists, policy makers and funders.
Welcome Marc van Oostrum!
Marc started as new PhD student in the Wollscheid Lab.
Protein acetylation affects acetate metabolism, motility and acid stress response in E. coli

Tobias Fuhrer and Uwe Sauer lab contributed to the study lead by Manuel Cánovas (Uni. de Murcia, Spain).
The role of phosphorylation in regulating yeast metabolism

Large-scale study published by the Sauer Lab in collaboration with Christian von Meering (Uni Zurich)
Christen Lab, Experimental Systems Biology
Mapping essential core functions of microbial genomes by transposon mutagenesis and next generation sequencing
LiP-SRM paper highlighted in Nature Methods
Our limited proteolysis SRM paper was highlighted in Nature Methods.
Review on biological insights obtained by nontargeted metabolomics

We congratulate and thank Daniel and Andreas for assembling this criticial review.
Paola in the Top 40 under 40

Paola Picotti made it into The Analytical Scientist's Top 40 under 40!
Review on omics for understanding disease and aiding diagnosis online
Paola contributed to the review.
Yibo Wu receives F1000 award at the IBS-IMSB Postdoc day

For her talk entitled “Mitochondrial activity – A multilayered Omics View”. Congratulations
Perspective on Systems Biology education for graduate students.

An interview to Prof. Uwe Sauer published in the SystemsX.ch newsletter
Claassen group, Computational Systems Biology

Ab initio cell type definition from high-dimensional single-cell data
Claassen group, computational systems biology

Infer structure and parameters of biochemical networks through machine learning
Paola in "The Author File" in Nature Methods

Paola was interviewed by Nature Methods on the occasion of the publication of the sentinel paper and appears in The Author File.
Sauer Group, Microbial metabolomics and modeling
Understanding the role of bacterial metabolism in the evolution of antibiotic resistance
Michi Zimmermann gloriously defended his PhD thesis
Current Opinion on High-throughput metabolomics

Tobias Fuhrer and Nicola Zamboni reviewed the current standing of HT metabolomics in the context of discovery.