Hafen Group, Determination of Sexual Dimorphism in Larval Starvation Resistance
Supervisor: Izzet Mehmet Akcay, Katja Koehler
Start: April
Duration: 3 months or more
This semester project is part of a larger study in which we investigate the genetic architecture underlying the larval starvation resistance in Drosophila. We have been analyzing the starvation resistance in larval stages of a Drosophila natural population to identify the genetic variations with significant effects on this trait. Many traits studied in Drosophila show sexual dimorphism; males and females measure/behave differently. For instance adult females are more resistant to starvation than adult males. However, whether there is a sexual dimorphism in the larval SR is still not known due to the lack of a clear morphologic feature distinguishable between the two sexes at the early larval stage. The semester project will address this important question.
In a previous student project, we have optimized the techniques for PCR-based identification of the sex of Drosophila larvae. In this project, we will test for sexual dimorphism in a few Drosophila lines that are known to show high phenotypic variation in starvation resistance. The project includes genomic DNA isolation, PCR, gel electrophoresis, fly handling, phenotyping (starvation resistance assay) and the use of statistics. Based on the applicant’s motivation, the project might be extended to include side projects and other molecular biology methods, even to a master’s project.
Interested students may send me an e-mail ().