Master Thesis Project in Proteomics, Computational mass spectrometry and Immunology
We are looking for 2 highly motivated and focussed MSc students with skills in bioinformatics for immunopeptidome analysis, who will: 1) automate a computational workflow for the analysis of immunopeptidomic SWATH MS data. 2) analyze a tissue-based map of the immunopeptidome. Contact: Dr. Etienne Caron
Master Student Project in Proteomics, Epigenetics in Aging and Cancer
Epigenetic pathways are major regulators of aging and aging-associated diseases including cancer. The student will apply a recently developed mass spectrometry-based method to profile epigenetic states during aging and cancer development. Contact: Dr.Christian Feller
Review on Metabolomcs and Flux Analysis published in Molecular Cell
The vignette was contributed jointly with the colleagues Prof Gary Patti (Washington University) and Prof Alan Saghatelian (Salk Institute)
An novel method for rapid and randomized prototyping of FRET sensors for small molecules
Este Peroza published the invention in Analyst.
Causal metabolic signals and functionality of protein phosphorylation in TOR signaling identified
In two related dynamic omics studies, researchers from the Aebersold and Sauer lab identified causal metabolic signals and functionality of protein phosphorylation in TOR signaling.
Functional screening identifies MCT4 as a key regulator of breast cancer cell metabolism and survival.
The collaboration was led by Prof. Almut Schulze from the University Würzburg and published in the Journal of Pathology. Congratulations!