Master thesis in Wollscheid Lab
Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Hepatitis B Virus X Proteoforms and Interactomes.
Andreas Kühne defended his PhD thesis
The subject of his massive work was "Development and application of graph-based computational methods to elucidate the functional role of metabolism in human skin". Congratulations!
ChristenLab, Block-course in Synthetic Genomics

Welcome Alexander, Florin and Timon to the Synthetic Genomics Block-Course offered by the Christen Group. Students will obtain training in large-scale DNA assembly techniques and gain insights into computational approaches for bio-systems design.
Charlotte Nicod joins the group as PhD student
Charlotte will work on detecting host-pathogen protein-protein interactions (HP-PPI) in Mycobaterium tubercuosis
Daniel Sévin defended his PhD thesis
We congratulate Daniel for his work on "Nontargeted metabolomics appraoches for enzyme discovery and high-resolution metabolome profiling"
Martin awarded silver medal for "Outstanding Doctoral Theses"

Martin was awarded the Silver Medal of ETH for “Outstanding Doctoral Theses”. That means that Martin’s thesis was among the top 5% PhD theses awarded by ETH each year, based on a jury of international reviewers. Btw, there are no gold or bronze medals.
Paola winner of the 2016 SGMS award!

We are proud to announce that Paola has won another prize: the Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry (SGMS) award.