Uwe Sauer newly elected EMBO Member

A Genome-Scale Database and Reconstruction of Caenorhabditis elegans Metabolism published

We congratulate Prof. Christoph Kaleta (Jena), his team, and all collaborators for their achievement!
Cell cycle coordinates carbohydrate metabolism in yeast

We are proud to announce that our paper on The yeast cyclin-dependent kinase routes carbon fluxes to fuel cell cycle progression was published today in Molecular Cell. The study was conducted jointly with Jenny Ewald and Jan Skotheim (Stanford).
Ketogenic diet rescues mouse embryos missing the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier

Our SNF Sinargia work with the Martinou Lab (U. Geneva) was published in PLoS Genetics. Congratulation to his team, Petra and Manuel!
Aebersold group: Student project to monitor epigenetic states in melanoma cells using novel proteomic tools
The student will learn how to process samples for mass spectrometry analysis, to analyse the resulting proteomic datasets and integrate them into a larger multi-omics framework. The work will be published in a scientific journal and the student will be involved in writing up the manuscript.
Christian Feller obtained grant for melanoma epigenetic profiling
Christian obtained funding from the 3rd URPP UZH Translational Cancer Research call to monitor epigenetic states in melanoma cells. For this project, we are currently looking for MSc students and students helpers.