Collaborative effort published in Nature Cell Biology
Congratulations to Yuehan and Paola as there collaborative effort with members of the Matthias Peter lab was published in Nature Cell Biology!
Paper outlining best practice in error rate control in DIA/SWATH studies published
In this study we investigated the the effect of varying library size and sample number on the accumulation of false positives in DIA/SWATH data and outlined strategies to control the error rate appropriately.
Study comparing performance of SWATH-MS across labs is published in Nature Communications
In this project led by researchers at ETH Zurich and Sciex we demonstrated the similarity of quantitative proteomics data generated by 11 labs worldwide from benchmarking samples using SWATH-MS.
Hafen lab: Master’s thesis and/or semester project on the role of cryptic genetic variation on circadian behaviors
Cryptic genetic variation (CGV) is the hidden genetic variation accumulated over time that do not contribute to the normal range of phenotypes, but may provide a source of adaptive variation to novel conditions. This project will examine if the CGV in different genetic backgrounds is influential in the evolution of circadian traits. (Keywords: Drosophila melanogaster, genetics, behavior, circadian rhythms)
Charlottes's review on host-pathogen protein interactions is published in COM
'Elucidation of host–pathogen protein–protein interactions to uncover mechanisms of host cell rewiring' was published in an issue of Current Opinion in Microbiology focused on Bacterial Systems Biology.