Nature Protocols paper describing Limited Proteolysis coupled to MS now out

Congrats to almost all of us: the protocol paper in which we practically describe the method of coupling limited proteolysis to mass spectrometry is now out in Nature Protocols! This will be an important starting point for external labs to try out this exciting and powerful method.
Welcome to Patrick and Monika
A warm welcome to Patrick Stalder and Monika Pepelnjak who have started their PhD-project and fast track Master/PhD-project, respectively, in our lab.
Hafen Lab: Semester project and/or Master thesis on the genetics of inter-individual variations in human sensory perception
The project lies at the intersection of genetics, psychophysics of smell, and data democracy. Students will have the opportunity to combine wet lab work, study design, and computational analysis. Students should be able to write simple scripts in R, Matlab, or Python or have the willingness to acquire and develop these skills.
Review on Quantitative proteomics of model organisms published in COSB

Congratulations to Yuehan, Valentina and Paola as their review on quantitative proteomics of model organisms is now published in Current Opinion in Systems Biology.
Amir's review describing proteomics approaches in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is published in COM
'Systems proteomics approaches to study bacterial pathogens: application to Mycobacterium tuberculosis' was published in an issue of Current Opinion in Microbiology focused on Bacterial Systems Biology.
The Picotti lab joins IMSB
Although they did not yet move their lab physically, the Picotti group has just changed affiliation by joining the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology of ETH Zurich, where Paola obtained a tenured position.
TnSeq analysis of Bacterial Methyotrophy published in Current Biology

Our joint paper with the Vorholt Lab, ETHZ was published in Current Biology.