Joint proposal on lympathic endothelial cells approved by SNF Sinergia!

The project is a collaboration with the group of Tanya Petrova (University Lausanne) and Pia Ostergaard (St. George’s Hospital and University of London, UK). We aim at advancing our understanding of fundamental biological mechanisms driving formation and function of lymphatic vasculature in normal and pathological conditions.
Personalized health: several IMSB proposals funded

Seven projects co-submitted by IMSB members were approved in the 1st joint PHRT-SPHN call. >4 Mio CHF will flow to our Institute to develop, apply, and promote innovative technologies and platforms for personalized health.
Nationaler Zukunftstag @ D-BIOL
The Christen and Wollscheid labs hosted the "Zukunftstag @ IMSB this year
"Personalized Swiss Sepsis Study" selected as a driver project by the SPHN and PHRT!

We are delighted to announce that the PSSS consortium was selected by the SPHN and PHRT panels for funding (>5 Mio CHF). The Swiss-wide consortium is headed by Prof. Adrian Egli (Uni Basel) and Prof Karsten Borgwardt (ETH Zürich). The Zamboni lab is responsible for the molecular profiling of >8000 plasma samples.
The Zamboni lab receives a grant for the standardization of non-targeted metabolomics in personalized health

We are glad to announce that our SFA-PHRT technology transfer project proposal "Strategies and standards for high-throughput, long-term, non-targeted metabolome analysis of human biofluids" has been funded!
Project on metabolic engineering of the hexosamine pathway gets funded!

The joint proposal that combines synthetic Biology (Prof De Mey, Ghent University) and systems biology (Zamboni lab) has been just approved by the FWO/SNF. Looking forward to joining forces!
Master thesis in Wollscheid Lab
Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Hepatitis B Virus X Proteoforms and Interactomes.