Leitner group news Q1/Q2 2019

A summary of the first half of 2019. Read more

by Alexander Leitner
  • The result of a community-wide XL-MS study has been published in Analytical Chemistry. This project emerged from a joint effort with the lab of Andrea Sinz (University of Halle) and was supported by the external pageCOST Action BM1403. 32 labs from around the world participated and showed how diverse the cross-linking “ecosystem” currently is. Includes contributions from all group members (Chris, Esben, and Michael)!
  • Additional new publications: Combining cryo-EM and XL-MS reveals the structure of the TRiC/CCT-prefoldin complex (collaboration with Judith Frydman lab, Stanford University, and others); and a review on combining CLIR-MS with NMR spectroscopy. See Publications
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