Viviane Reber presents at EUbOPEN Annual Meeting

At the EUbOPEN Annual Meeting 2021, Viviane Reber presented her project. Congratulations on your successful talk!
Our paper on our R package protti is finally out!
Jan-Philipp Quast and Dina Schuster published their R package protti that they developed to analyze proteomics data. Congratulations on the amazing work!
Open Postdoctoral Positions in the Zamboni lab
For people passionate about metabolomics, mass spectrometry, and computational challenges.
Best poster award to Daniela Ledezma!

Daniela won the best poster award at the EMBO:Multiomics to Mechanisms symposium (https://blogs.embl.org/events/2021/10/14/multiomics-to-mechanisms-best-poster-awards/). Congratulations Daniela!
Franziska Elsässer wins Best Presentation Prize

At the LS2 Swiss Proteomics Meeting in Montreux, Cathy Marulli and Franziska Elsässer presented their projects, and Franziska even won the Best Presentation Prize. Congratulations on your successful talks!
Best poster prize!

Chris Gruber won the best poster prize at the first in person conference (Quantitative Modeling of Cell Metabolism in Kopenhagen) this year. Congrats Chris!
Jan-Philipp Quast talks at the Basel Computational Biology Conference

Jan-Philipp Quast presented the R package protti which he developed together with Dina Schuster at the Basel Computational Biology Conference. We are excited to share our work with the research community!
Master/Semestert Project: Metabolome:Proteome Cross-Talk in Basal Autophagy
For students of D-BIOL/D-HEST/D-BSSE
Master/Semester Project: Complexity of Mitochondrial Transporters in KRAS-driven Colorectal Cancer
For students in D-BIOL/D-HEST/D-BSSE
Master/Semester Project: Complexity of mitochondrial transporters and metabolic rewiring III
For students of D-BIOL/D-HEST/D-BSSE
Master/Semester Project: Complexity of mitochondrial transporters and metabolic rewiring II
For students of D-BIOL/D-HEST/D-BSSE
Master/Semester Project: Complexity of mitochondrial transporters and metabolic rewiring I
For students of D-BIOL/D-HEST/D-BSSE
Master/Semester Project: Interfacing microfluidics and high-resolution mass spectrometry for the study of complex metabolomes II
For students of D-BSSE/D-MATL/D-CHAB/D-BIOL
Master/Semester Project: Master’s Student Project: Interfacing microfluidics and high-resolution mass spectrometry for the study of complex metabolomes I
For students of D-BSSE/D-MATL/D-CHAB/D-BIOL
An all-inclusive, turnkey software for analysis of untargeted LC-MS data

We are proud to publicly announce SLAW.
We are hiring!
We are seeking for ambitioned PostDocs in the area of mass spectronetry (metabolomics and lipidomics) and computational biology or chemistry
Paper on genome design principles published

In our Nature Communications paper, we report new genome design principles and uncovered new genetic control elements through a detailed RNASeq analysis of our rewritten C.ETH 2.0 genome. Congratulation to Mariëlle and everyone involved!
Welcome to Viviane Reber

We are excited to welcome Viviane Reber back as a PhD student in the group of Matthias Gstaiger. We wish you a successful start!
Pedro Beltrao joins IMSB

Starting January 2022, Pedro will join IMSB as a Professor for Computational Biology. We are all exited...
Zamboni lab guests Dr. Krystina Kupcova
We are happy to announce that Dr. Krystina Kupkova will start working with us from March!