New students at Aebersold group!

Luzia Stalder, Chiara Auwerx, Fabian Radler  and Varun Sharma have joined the group. Welcome!

Chiara Auwerx, supervised by Marija Buljan, is doing a semester project on inferring functional and disease modules from proteomics data. Luzia Stalder is working on Master thesis project on the evolution of protein complexes under supervision of Marija Buljan and Amir Banaei-Esfahan, and Fabian Radler is building an advanced workflow for direct PTM analysis of DIA data together with Isabel Bludau. In his semester project Varun Sharma works on integratin multi-omics data to elucidate differentially expressed candidate biomarkers across aged inbred BXD mouse strain cohorts fed a normal or high-fat diet.

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